Career Search Tips

Narrow your job search criteria by selecting the job category, type, city and state, or leave blank to return all jobs. You can further refine your search by entering individual words or phrases (quotes are not needed). You can also specify a Boolean search by entering a phrase such as "Project Manager or PMP". After entering your search parameters, click the Find Jobs Now button to return a list of open jobs. Click on any of the job numbers to display details about the job, then click the Apply Now button to copy and paste your resume into our candidate database. Click the Process button to complete your application. You will be contacted by an AGSI recruiter if your resume is a match for the job.

Posting Your Resume

You can use the AGSI Career Center to upload your resume to our candidate database without actually applying for a specific job. Click the Post Resume link to display a text box allowing you to copy and paste your resume. Click the Process button to add your resume to our candidate database. Posting your resume will also allow you to create a login ID and password in the AGSI Career Center, allowing you to return at any time to update your resume/contact information or apply for new jobs.

IMPORTANT: If you are a new candidate (not a current AGSI consultant or alumnus), please go to our Career Center to view opportunities. If you are an AGSI consultant or alumnus, please log in here to access the Career Center.

Resume Tips

When you copy and paste your resume into the text box, your resume will appear in plain text format. If you'd prefer to upload your resume as a formatted HTML or rich text format (RTF) document, click the link at the bottom of the page. For best results, please remove any embedded graphics, grids, or other complex formatting codes from your resume prior to uploading.

(Click here to go to the Career Center)